I attended Game Developers Conference 2010 in San Francisco last week. Here’s my personal highlight reel, with 5 key trends that have applications and implications beyond the games industry…

Additional Coverage

For more GDC 2010 presentations and information, be sure to check out…

The following aren’t GDC 2010, per se, but they do provide some interesting background into the Chinese social game “Happy Farm” and its dramatic impact on (and reflection of) modern Chinese culture. Fascinating reading…

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  1. Happy Farm sounds pretty intense. How did you get the screenshot? Does Farmville ruin people’s lives that way, too?

  2. Nice blog, and nice presentation. I’ll check out the podcast.

    Only comment on the GDC preso: On slide 8: Any long time attendee will tell you that the REAL value in GDC is in the networking. Sessions are good, but a distant second to the face time and hallway conversations.

    @Jay W: I beleive the screenshot of Happy Farm is from James Gwertzman’s GDC presentation (also on slide share). James runs Popcap’s Shanghai studio, and is one of the smartest folk I know in the casual games biz.

  3. Christopher Cummings

    Hi Kim –

    Thanks for the comments. And to your point, I agree the networking is important; didn’t mean to downplay that!

    It’s rare, in my experience, to have so many people talking so honestly about the issues of the day–not to mention then also being able to talk about those issues with them, directly, and with others folks in attendance.

    – Chris