We’re only scratching the surface of the PM wisdom percolating online this year, but great reading nonetheless.
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Rudolph the Red Nosed PM
Rudolph, the red nosed PM,
had a very feature-focused development mode.
And if you ever saw him,
you would say he was headed down a bad road.
What the Witchblade anime series reminded me about product management
As we stand on the brink of destiny, we are forced to seek the balance between ecstasy and ruin. Or, in this case, the balance between waste and true value.
Read MoreHappy 2nd Anniversary, Product Management Meets Pop Culture!
Here’s to another great year of product management!
Read MoreWhy The Gamification Of Everything Is A Bad Thing
Considering implementing game mechanics in your non-game product or service? Please take a moment to evaluate your reasons why.
Read MoreBook Review: Five Dysfunctions of a Team
If you’re a Product Manager, you should read this right now.
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